Needle Stick Collection
The safe and controlled removal of needles, syringes and other sharp objects is extremely important as this type of waste can carry harmful diseases and if not removed and disposed could cause serious infections.
Sharps such as needles, syringes, and blades are often found in bins, toilets and public areas as well as abandoned houses and squats that are used by illegal drug users. The main risk associated with sharps such as needles and syringes is puncture wounds that allow highly infectious blood borne pathogens including Hepatitis B and HIV to be passed to the individual.
Therefore it is imperative that any sightings of sharps be reported immediately and disposed of by a trained professional. It is important to remember that disposing of needles, syringes and hypodermics in a public litter bin or in household waste is extremely dangerous.
When removing potentially infectious syringes, needles and other sharps it is essential that the process is carried out safely using the correct sharps removal protection equipment and clothing.
Finishing Touches Cleaning’s needle and syringe removal teams understand the possible dangers dirty needles and syringes can pose and the importance of disposing of them safely and quickly. Experienced in examining large areas of waste and rubbish our specialist team conduct an extensive needle sweep guaranteeing all sharps are removed before fully decontaminating and cleaning the area ensuring all bio-hazardous contamination is eradicated.
Finishing Touches Cleaning’s Needle Stick Collection service is available 24 hours a day with the disposing and site decontamination carried out in full accordance with the Health & Safety regulations and COSHH procedures.