Crime and Trauma Scene Clean Up
Whether it is a suicide, trauma or crime scene each of these situations are very distressing to the people and families involved. The last thing on their mind is the potential hazardous bodily fluids and airborne bacteria that could be present.
It is a common perception that the emergency services will organise and complete the safe clean up of a crime scene or trauma once they have provided their respective services. However this is incorrect, the cleaning and disinfection of the scene is left to the owner of the property to organise.
There are strict guidelines and legislation surrounding the cleaning of crime and trauma scenes due to the nature and type of hazardous bodily fluids that are present and the potential risk to human health. Viruses such as hepatitis B, hepatitis C and HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) can be transferred via bodily fluids therefore the treatment of contaminated areas is fundamental to prevent infection.
Finishing Touches Cleaning’s crime and trauma scene clean up service provides a discreet and proficient disinfection and clean up solution whilst ensuring total client confidentiality is upheld.
Using advanced decontamination and cleaning techniques the area is safety disinfected and the removal of dangerous bodily fluids is performed in a controlled and sensitive manner eliminating the risk and spread of infection.
Finishing Touches Cleaning’s team of crime and trauma scene clean up specialists are on call 24 hours a day, 7 days a week providing rapid response to these difficult situations.